Cooking: For novice home cooks – part 6

I admit that, while I enjoy seafood, I don’t cook it very often.  I find seafood is fussy.  It needs to be really fresh for the taste to be optimal.  And tends to be unforgiving (by that, I mean it can go from undercooked to overcooked very quickly). That said, this is about the most…

Cooking: For novice home cooks – part 5

Who doesn’t love a lazy weekend… sleeping in late, getting up and grabbing a luxurious boozy brunch at your local brunch place? Yeah, well with this stay-at-home guideline in place, the sleeping-in-late part is easy, but the rest requires a little more effort. So we’re making brunch. A couple of the defining brunch dishes are…

Cooking: For novice home cooks – part 4

For the last 3 blog entries, I’ve focused on main courses.  Now lets dabble a little with appetizers and such, we’ll start with bread. Focaccia Focaccia is an italian origin leavened flat bread that’s relatively easy to make, but it is time consuming.  You’ll need a minimum of 3 hours from start to finish.  This…

Cooking: For novice home cooks – part 3

Welcome to part 3,  we’re going to cook chicken.  I cook with chicken more than any other protein, because is flexible and affordable. The cheapest option is to buy a whole chicken, and break it down and/or debone it yourself.  I like to do this and save the carcass/bones in a freezer bag.  Over weeks/months,…